"Food: Science, Art, Passion, Pleasure, Adventure & Exploration"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Today's Adventure Brainstorm

So I have some cake left from the two cakes that I baked the other day. I certainly don't need to bake any more cake for now. I think what I might bake later tonight are cookies.  They're easy to make and I could innovate on recipes without much of a hassle.

The thing is, I have no idea what kind of cookies I'll be baking later tonight. I am still brainstorming over ideas. I feel like I need to be thrown into the Food Network show, Chopped (which I love, btw!), so that random and unlikely fused ingredients may inspire me. LOL.

These are some ingredients that spring to mind:

  • Pineapple
  • Nutmeg
  • Molasses
  • Honey
  • Almond Butter
  • Nutella (since I have plenty left)
  • White chocolate
  • Starfruit/carambola
  • Butternut squash (hmmm, I'll have to not only head out to the store to get a supply but bake or boil these to get the puree I need)
  • Strawberries
  • Caramel (well, not the kind in a jar but the kind I'd make from scratch using cane sugar, butter, vanilla bean paste and cream)

These wouldn't be used together of course. LOL. Nope. They are just random ideas for custom recipes that might help me to come up with something unique. I do like the butternut squash ingredient. That's interesting indeed. I don't even know if I could get starfruit right now. Are they seasonal?

I'm an info junkie but I still have so much to learn and explore about food (I'm glad). If you are reading my blog and you have any ideas to throw my way for tonight, feel free to hurl them at me with force and enthusiasm. It's the only way I'd enjoy being hit over the head repeatedly...

Hmmm...on further research (looking up more info on starfruit at the moment), I might steer clear of it for now until I figure out how to infuse it or to what degree. I have some older relatives who are on medication although I don't have anyone in my immediate family with kidney failure or issues. According to research, the fruit can present health hazards and complications for those, respectively, with kidney problems (past or current) and those who take high blood pressure medication or anything for heart disease. I don't want to make anyone sick.

Other than that, starfruit is a very good antioxidant source and offers plenty of vitamin c.
I've never tried starfruit, though. I hear it's got a tangy flavor, but I think that depends on what type of starfruit is selected. The smaller starfruit is lemony in flavor and tart (often used in cooking), while the other larger varieties are sweeter. Looks like late winter is a good time for selecting sweet starfruit and midwinter is a great time for gathering the tart sorts. Some people have compared it's flavor, overall, to a cross between a granny smith apple and a crunchy grape, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and sour pineapple.I wonder if it's flavor is distinctive enough to give a unique flavor profile to a cookie recipe? That's what exploring is for...to find that stuff out.

Intrigued? Indeed I am. I must try some soon. Their look alone has always been enough to attract my attention in supermarkets.

Oh...and I need to think of what I'll be doing tomorrow so I don't get such a late start, like today. I should be preparing in advance daily, if I am to keep this food blog project up. Already, I am enjoying it immensely. So far, it's been a great way to start off the year.

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